Search Results | chemical element

Your search for "chemical element" returned 524 results

What chemical elements are needed for plant growth?

Certain chemical elements, including potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, are needed by every plant. You can learn more about the chemical elements that are needed for plant growth from this article.

Does the Real Element 115 Have a Connection With UFOs?

For decades Bob Lazar talked about a mysterious element 115 that could power alien spacecraft. People thought he was nuts, but scientists discovered element 115 in 2003. What can that element do?

Chemical Peels: What You Need to Know

Chemical peels are effective for certain purposes. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn all about chemical peels.

Can You Identify This Element From a Photo?

Many of the elements that we were taught occur naturally around us. If you were given a picture of them, would you be able to identify it? Let's find out!

Which Periodic Element Are You?

While the periodic table of elements might seem boring, the elements can be fiery and reactive just like people. Take this quiz to find out which element you are most like!

Which Element Resonates With Your Soul?

Calling all sons and daughters of Mother Nature out there! Do you feel you are like one of the elements essential on earth? Which of these elements resonate with your being? Care to know the inner you? Then take this personality quiz to find out!

Elemental Haiku: A Poetic Take on the Periodic Table

Award-winning poet and fiction writer Mary Soon Lee has found a charming way to combine science and poetry in a refreshing new take on the periodic table of elements.

Can You Guess the Chemical Name of These Everyday Items?

Many of the items that we use every day have scientific names, but how well do you know them? Take this quiz if you would like to find out!

Do You Still Remember My Chemical Romance’s Best Lines?

Believe it or not, My Chemical Romance has been rocking for almost two decades! Can you recall some of the more iconic croons? Take this quiz to test your MCR lyrical knowledge!

If We Give You a Periodic Table Symbol, Can You Tell Us What Element It Is?

The world is more than 4.5 billion years old, but the entire universe and everything in it is made from just 118 elements (as far as we know). If you can ace this quiz, you're close to knowing everything about the world. See if you can name the correct element based just off its periodic symbol.

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